Xtreme Power Systems X24 Integrated Flight Control System

According to XPS CEO and president, Jim Drew, the purpose of the X24 Integrated Flight Control System is simple. With this product, you can properly power your entire RC system. A typical servo connector can carry 3 amps of current. However, during a direction change, more current is needed than can be carried with a typical connector. In this situation, the voltage will drop, causing what is known as a brown out. However, with the technology in the X24, you can correctly power the entire bus and match any servo to any servo. Plus, Jim says he can add any feature to the system as needed. With only seven percent of the CPU utilized in the control system, if it can't do it now, Jim can change that.
With this technology, you can correctly power the entire bus and match any servo to any servo.

For more information, visit http://www.xtremepowersystems.net!

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